Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Krokodil's politics in The Thaw

Krokodil always engaged with topical discourses, and in the period of relative artistic freedom after Stalin's death the magazine published a variety of cartoons on various themes, including aspects of domestic politics.

Lekarstvo gor'koye, no dlya zdorov'ya neobkhodimoye. Krokodil, 1953, 20 March, p.7.
Dostukalsya. Krokodil 1956, 28 February, p.11.
Zavodoupravlenie v 19.. godu. Krokodil. 1959, 30 June, p.2.
Untitled. Krokodil, 1959, 10 Dec, p.1
Tvorcheskaya neudacha. Krokodil, 1964, 30 November, p.1.
Untitled. Krokodil, 1963, 30 April, p.8.
V mire biurokraticheskaya nauki i tekhniki. Krokodil, 1962, 10 September, p.2-3.

I tak byvaet. Krokodil, 28 February, p.6.
Untitled. Krokodil 1964, 10 December, p.14.
Untitled. Krokodil, 1964, 20 Aug, p.1.
Zakoldovannyi krug. Krokodil 1964, 10 December, p.14.

Krokodil and Russian folklore

Krokodil cartoons very often employed folkloric characters and themes. Soviet graphic satire owed much to pre-revolutionary popular prints...